Letter to the Commission from Gables Good Government Committee

Dear Mayor Lago, Vice Mayor Anderson, Commissioner Menendez, Commissioner Castro and Commissioner Fernandez:

The current Coral Gables City Commission seems to be reaching a point of near dysfunction since the new term began in April 2023.  There have been several oral and written statements by commissioners, both on and off the commission dais, that have been negative and hostile toward their fellow commissioners.

For most Coral Gables residents, the time is now for you, our elected officials, to return to civil, collegial and productive discussions of city issues, and to act professionally as is expected of any member of a civic organization that has adopted Robert’s Rules of Order: “Debate must address issues, not personalities – no one is permitted to make personal attacks or question the motives of other speakers.”

The Gables Good Government Committee strongly believes a functioning, focused commission is the key to maintaining Coral Gables as a first-class, prosperous city.


Gables Good Government Committee (GGG)

GGG Board: Officers – Susi Davis, President; Ines Calderon, Treasurer; Robert Gill, Interim Secretary; Mayor Don Slesnick, Chair, Advisory Council; Tom Snook, Past President. Members – Sally Baumgartner, Debbie Register, Debbie Swain.