Candidate Response: SEAN McGROVER

Group IV Candidates:
Ivette Arango O’Doski | Melissa Castro | Jackson ‘Rip’ Holmes | Sean McGrover


    • Why are you running? What is the most important issue you would address or advocate for if elected?

McGrover: I am running because I believe we need more diversity on our board. Presently, all seats are held by attorneys, and I feel most, if not all attorneys look at issues the same way. My background is in building businesses and investing, and I believe I can look at issues differently that will add value to decisions. The most important issue I see for our city is the oncoming recession that is going to heavily impact the community if we are not proactive in cutting costs, lowering our debts, and putting together a plan to increase revenues through attracting large businesses to our community.

    • In what ways do you think the current City administration could better serve the citizens of Coral Gables, and how should the incoming administration put those ideas into action?

McGrover: The current administration could serve our community better by realizing that the economy is about to be impacted tremendously by an oncoming recession. To protect our community we need to recognize this, be proactive, and start planning to strengthen our city’s financials by cutting debt, canceling large capital expenditures for the next twelve to twenty-four months, and finding ways to lessen city expenses over the next two years.


Climate Change:

The top three contributors to climate change are the use of fossil fuels for electricity, motorized transportation, and construction and manufacturing. Another contributor in the top ten includes methane from waste in landfills.

    • What actions would you propose that the City of Coral Gables take to control and reduce these and other climate change contributors?

McGrover: I am a huge proponent of alternative energy, such as solar and electric vehicles. However, I am not entirely convinced that we have a climate change issue. The reason I say this is because as a child the government and scientists were pushing the narrative of global warming, and in the past decade they have pivoted from global warming to climate change – all without any solutions. The reason there are no solutions is there is no global warming and while I believe there is climate change, it’s not as impactful as the government and narrative suggest. Having said that, technology and innovation is only going to benefit all and I am in favor of alternative methods.


Depending on who you ask, Coral Gables is either over-developed or ripe for development.

    • Where do you stand on future development and the concerns that residents have raised in opposition? Do you think the city needs more development or more restrictions on development? Explain why.

McGrover: I believe development is a positive for our community; however, I agree that over-development would not benefit the residents of Coral Gables. Which is why I believe we must stay in front of any development going forward. We have the opportunity to create a phenomenal community with unique designs and characteristics. Presently, the current and proposed developments don’t even exceed 7.5% of the current population for new residents, therefore I think there is room for properly planned growth in our community. I am excited about the future of Coral Gables, and I am excited that there is an interest in development that the city can lead to build a better tomorrow for Coral Gables.

    • The Coral Gables Commission voted in favor of an updated zoning code in 2021 after several years of discussion among the residents, the City administration and the City Commission. What reasons would cause you to consider supporting a zoning code exemption or amendment to alter the code for a developer’s site proposal?

McGrover: If the developer were to follow a unique Mediterranean style that gives a cultural impact to our community, I can see being a little bit flexible on the development, not to increase the size, but to add character to the community.


Traffic in Coral Gables is a constant source of debate and concern for residents, and as development in the City and across Miami-Dade County increases, it will only become more of a problem.

    • What initiatives are included in your strategy to improve traffic in and through the City?

McGrover: I believe we should have flashing lights, colorful walkways, and create a department of traffic ticket officers that have the power to ticket any traffic that is exceeding the speeds or ignoring the blinking lights and signs. I think it could also be beneficial to add more signals and decrease the speeds near our schools and hospitals.

    • Do you support improving safe infrastructure on roadways and rights-of-way to encourage active modes of transportation? Specifically, do you support bicycle and micromobility (scooters) lanes or paths, expansion of the sidewalk system?

McGrover: No, I think the risk of injury is too high in our community to add more activities on our streets. I do believe we should invest in expanding and renewing our sidewalks.

    • Do you believe that such safe infrastructure should depend on approval of contiguous property owners, or do you recognize that these improvements benefit all because they increase safety and therefore will increase alternate transportation and reduce automobile traffic?

McGrover: I don’t believe during this current economic time that we should be investing the city’s capital into the infrastructure that would create more risk to pedestrians, cyclists, and scooters. We should focus on expanding our sidewalks for those uses.

Civility, Ethics and Campaign Finance:

One of the few things people seem to agree upon today is that, when it comes to political and policy discussions, there is little agreement and even less civility. In addition, negative advertising by outside PACs is a big concern.

    • When we look at your campaign finance reports after the election, what percentage will be found to have been contributed from PACs and parties outside of Miami-Dade County? Do you believe that there should be voluntary limitations on contributions outside of Miami-Dade County to candidates for Coral Gables City Commission and Mayor?

McGrover: I did not approach any PACs, nor do I have any outside organizations or corporations investing in my campaign. Regarding outside contributions, I don’t believe outside organizations should be funding candidates for a municipal election. There is no reason or need for that money to help a candidate capture a seat. We are here for the community, not outside interests.

    • Have you pledged to run a positive campaign and to avoid any negative or defamatory attacks on the character or reputation of your opponent(s)?  Will you publicly repudiate any third-party individuals or PACs who engage in negative attacks against your opponent(s) on behalf of your campaign?

McGrover: Yes, I will absolutely run a positive campaign. I will not directly or indirectly attack or defame any of the candidates running for the office of city commissioner. If any third party attacks or defames a candidate that supports me, I will publicly respond and distance myself from whatever organization or individual is doing that.

    • What do you think can be done to improve trust and participation in local government? Do you have ideas on how to improve civil discourse in our community regarding interactions between City Hall and the public?

McGrover: We need more interaction through continuity in communication, whether it be direct mail, email marketing, or radio ads to continuously keep our community informed. Secondly, a community’s response is imperative in running leadership with values that our citizens largely share through means of open forums where our community can respond to issues, offer solutions, and/or state their concerns. I feel that the community does not presently have a strong relationship with our city officials, and I would like to change that. I would like to be the candidate that the community can always count on and have constant open communication with through call, text, email, and open-door policy, and I want to do this to build a better tomorrow for Coral Gables.