Letter to the Commission from Gables Good Government Committee

Dear Mayor Lago, Vice Mayor Anderson, Commissioner Menendez, Commissioner Castro and Commissioner Fernandez:

The current Coral Gables City Commission seems to be reaching a point of near dysfunction since the new term began in April 2023.  There have been several oral and written statements by commissioners, both on and off the commission dais, that have been negative and hostile toward their fellow commissioners.

For most Coral Gables residents, the time is now for you, our elected officials, to return to civil, collegial and productive discussions of city issues, and to act professionally as is expected of any member of a civic organization that has adopted Robert’s Rules of Order: “Debate must address issues, not personalities – no one is permitted to make personal attacks or question the motives of other speakers.”

The Gables Good Government Committee strongly believes a functioning, focused commission is the key to maintaining Coral Gables as a first-class, prosperous city.


Gables Good Government Committee (GGG)

GGG Board: Officers – Susi Davis, President; Ines Calderon, Treasurer; Robert Gill, Interim Secretary; Mayor Don Slesnick, Chair, Advisory Council; Tom Snook, Past President. Members – Sally Baumgartner, Debbie Register, Debbie Swain. 

GGG Town Hall with Mayor Vince Lago

Gables Good Government Committee


GGG Town Hall with
Mayor Vince Lago

GGG Members will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with  Mayor Lago on issues of concern to residents of Coral Gables.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
5:30 – 6:00 p.m. – Refreshments
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. – Program followed by Q & A Session

 Coral Gables Congregational Church

3010 De Soto Boulevard, Fellowship Hall, Coral Gables

(Parking is available in front of the church)

 REGISTRATION REQUIRED by September 27, 2023:

Fill in Registration Box below; or call GGG President Susi Davis at (305) 582-5827.

This event is for GGG Members Only.

To Join GGG or Renew Membership Click link:  gablesgoodgovernment.org/membership.

The Gables Good Government Committee (GGG) is registered with the State of Florida and the City of Coral Gables. GGG member dues are not tax deductible. 

‘Ethics in Public Service’ Event – May 22 – RSVP Now!

Gables Good Government Committee

In Collaboration with the Institute for Ethical Leadership, St. Thomas University

Ethics in Public Service

Ethical practices ensure the integrity of both the governmental
decision-making process and the electoral process,
“restore public confidence in government
and serve as the guardian of the public trust.

— Edited Excerpt from Mission Statement of the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust

Program Speakers

  • DAVID DORISCAR (Moderator), Professor, PH.D. Program in Ethical Leadership, St. Thomas University
  • JOSE ARROJO, Executive Director, Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust
  • ANNIE BETANCOURT, Former Member, Florida House of Representatives; Former President, League of Women Voters
  • HOLLY MERRILL RASCHEIN, Mayor Pro Tempore, Monroe County Commission; Former Member, Florida House of Representatives
  • DON SLESNICK, Former Mayor of Coral Gables; Former President, Florida League of Mayors

Monday, May 22, 2023

5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
5:30 – 6:00 p.m. – Registration and Reception   
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Program: Panel Presentations / Q & A Session


 Coral Gables Museum

285 Aragon Avenue – Coral Gables

(Street Parking; Parking Garage Across the Street)



 REGISTRATION REQUIRED by May 21, 2023:  Click RSVP link in box below or


click on gablesgoodgov@gmail.com or call GGG President Susi Davis at (305) 582-5827.

This event is open to the public and requires advance registration.




To Join GGG or Renew Membership
Click link:  gablesgoodgovernment.org/membership
or click “Download Membership Application” below.


The Gables Good Government Committee (GGG) is registered with the State of Florida and the City of Coral Gables. GGG member dues are not tax deductible.


Gables Good Government Committee Coral Gables Election Questionnaire with Responses from Commission Candidates

To GGG Members and Friends: 

The six Coral Gables Commission candidates have provided their answers to a questionnaire sent to them by the GGG Board and Advisory Council.  All responses are published as written by each candidate. We thank all the commission candidates for giving their views to Coral Gables voters on many of the issues that are important to our community.  VOTE ON APRIL 11th!!!!

Election Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023

    • Vote by Mail Ballot
    • Vote Early:
      • Saturday, April 1
      • Sunday, April 2
      • Saturday, April 8
    • Vote on Election Day

Responses from Commission Candidates

Candidate Response: IVETTE ARANGO O’DOSKI

Group IV Candidates:
Ivette Arango O’Doski | Melissa CastroJackson ‘Rip’ Holmes | Sean McGrover


    • Why are you running? What is the most important issue you would address or advocate for if elected?

O’Doski: My roots in Coral Gables are deep. I am running as a member of this community that has lived in Coral Gables for over 30 years. I want to keep Coral Gables as a community and would like to use my experience in advocating for issues that matter to all of us to ensure that our city is a place where our children will want to stay and grow their own families. I want to support our local businesses and protect our neighborhoods by supporting police and fire and opposing overdevelopment that erodes the character and culture of our residential areas. Continue reading “Candidate Response: IVETTE ARANGO O’DOSKI”

Candidate Response MELISSA CASTRO

Group IV Candidates:
Ivette Arango O’Doski | Melissa Castro | Jackson ‘Rip’ Holmes | Sean McGrover


    • Why are you running? What is the most important issue you would address or advocate for if elected?

Castro: I am running to serve the residents of Coral Gables due to the passion I have to make our community the best in the nation and the desire to make a difference. I also possess unique skills and experiences that could help improve the lives of many residents here in the Gables. My presence on the Coral Gables Commission will help bring new perspectives and ideas to the table. As someone who is actively involved in my community, I know that residents are eager to see a bigger change. The most important issue I would advocate for is improving the Permitting Department, in which I know I can put into effect. If elected, I can be a fresh voice with experience to advocate and make the changes all residents urge to see. Continue reading “Candidate Response MELISSA CASTRO”

Candidate Response: JACKSON ‘RIP’ HOLMES

Group IV Candidates:
Ivette Arango O’Doski | Melissa Castro | Jackson ‘Rip’ Holmes | Sean McGrover


    • Why are you running? What is the most important issue you would address or advocate for if elected?

Holmes: My main issue is overdevelopment. Citizens United makes it legal for developers to buy City Hall. The developers donate 4 times more to candidates than all taxpayers combined.  As a result, we no longer have a democracy, but instead a developer-ocracy. Our best way of fighting this is to amend the City Charter to require voter- referendum approval of any major development, as the City of Miami Beach and the City of Key Biscayne have done. Continue reading “Candidate Response: JACKSON ‘RIP’ HOLMES”

Candidate Response: SEAN McGROVER

Group IV Candidates:
Ivette Arango O’Doski | Melissa Castro | Jackson ‘Rip’ Holmes | Sean McGrover


    • Why are you running? What is the most important issue you would address or advocate for if elected?

McGrover: I am running because I believe we need more diversity on our board. Presently, all seats are held by attorneys, and I feel most, if not all attorneys look at issues the same way. My background is in building businesses and investing, and I believe I can look at issues differently that will add value to decisions. The most important issue I see for our city is the oncoming recession that is going to heavily impact the community if we are not proactive in cutting costs, lowering our debts, and putting together a plan to increase revenues through attracting large businesses to our community. Continue reading “Candidate Response: SEAN McGROVER”

Candidate Response: ALEX BUCELO

Group V Candidates: Alex Bucelo | Ariel Fernandez


    • Why are you running? What is the most important issue you would address or advocate for if elected?

Bucelo: I am running because I want to make sure that the character and charm of our community is maintained, our community remains safe, and taxes remain low without reducing city services. I want Coral Gables to be more environmentally resilient and I will always side with my neighbors in opposition to large-scale developments. As a matter of fact, while others talk, I am the only candidate running for City Commission who has actually voted against large-scale developments. Continue reading “Candidate Response: ALEX BUCELO”

Candidate Response: ARIEL FERNANDEZ

Group V Candidates: Alex Bucelo | Ariel Fernandez


    • Why are you running? What is the most important issue you would address or advocate for if elected?

Fernandez: I am running with the goal of making residents the priority in Coral Gables, not an afterthought. For many years our focus has been shifted away from those the Commission and staff should serve. My goal as Commissioner is to ensure we make the needs of residents the priority. Continue reading “Candidate Response: ARIEL FERNANDEZ”